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Christmas lights in trees in front of a building

The Most Wonderful Time of Year!

By Magaly Diaz / December 22, 2023

The holidays come with 2 weeks off from school if you have school-age children. I am the appointed planner of all things fun our family does during the break. I like to celebrate the holiday season by doing several light events. One of my favorite traditions is to pack up the kids in the car along with hot chocolate and cookies and drive through the Windcrest area of San Antonio looking at all the beautiful…

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drawing of a boy and girl wearing backpacks on their way to school

Back-to-School Basics for a Successful Year

By Magaly Diaz / August 23, 2023

It’s the end of summer vacation for most of our school-aged children. If you have a child with an IEP, panic sets in. New year, new teachers, new class, maybe even new school! While it can be exhausting to start new collaborative relationships with the school and staff, this is a very important first step; however, it is necessary to do some prep work early on so your child will be set up for success…

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Is Advocacy Really a Four-Letter Word?

By Mary Eitniear / September 28, 2022

The topic for our blog this month is advocacy in ARD committee meetings. So, let’s start with the concept of Advocacy. Advocacy used in the world of special education usually means that parents and school staff disagree over some aspect of their child’s program. However, advocacy also means sharing our perceptions, dreams, hopes, and ideas for our children with others. I think the lesson here is that everyone, including school staff, comes to the ARD table…

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